
CEU Plan has a historical file of newsletters, corporate and staff news releases, white papers and research involved in the water and wastewater treatment industry.  Our Facebook page includes many updates and emerging interests in the operator world.  Our social media includes CEU TUBE which is a complimentary site of streaming and trailer clips involved in the treatment industry. Following are some of our recent Newsletters:

We offer other resources:


Within the other tabs on are:

About Us – historical background of CEU Plan and growth over the past decade.

For Instructors – secured site with resources for instructional design and train-the-trainer resources, course library, and program policy.

For State Administrators – secured site with program policy and procedures, course library, system documentation, and program data available

Policy Statements – corporate policy and procedure statements on file

Contact – contact information and website links


Should you require further explanation or clarification, please submit a technical support form listing any detail or question you may have.  We would be pleased to respond.